Monday, October 05, 2015
The Old Man posted this at 12:47 PM.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Tab Clearing!!!......
I feel much better now.....
The Old Man posted this at 3:53 PM.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Music: Mama I'm comin' home - Ozzy Osbourne
I am getting ready for an AWESOME week of vacation and I couldn't be happier. Three little birds......
The Old Man posted this at 7:54 PM.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Music: BYOB - System of a Down
Mood: Ecstatic
So I never got around to writing about last weekend because this week was hella busy. I went home for the entire weekend, and enjoyed every single second of it. I haven't had that much fun at home in forever. It was awesome because it was so relaxing. I went bowling with the rents and had a blast, watched CSI, worked on my project, rode my dad's new bike (which is aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeessssssome btw), and just chilled. It was exactly what I needed to keep my sanity in the crazy life I have.
As for this weekend, went out on Friday to Murphys and got a bit tipsy. It was fun bc James (the other coop I work with) came out and had a great time (he got a little shitfaced too, it was a riot). Then last night comes around. Joe and Todd's going away party. What to say, what to say. Amazing. I hung out with Sarah and Gail and everybody and just had a blast. Well I hate to cut this short, but I have 2 finals tomorrow and a take home essy to do for one of those finals today. Party on Wayne, Party on Garth.
The Old Man posted this at 12:31 PM.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Music: Playboys of the Southwestern World - Blake Shelton
Mood: Frustrated
And so it goes........ I have a TON of shit to do this quarter, I'm working on it slowly but between all of that (which is a ton), working, the house, and trying to find a place to live next year, I'M BEAT!!!!! On the upside of that, I know I only have a couple more weeks of classes left till I can work and relax over the summer (not so much relax as work my ass off on coop, but it will feel like a nice little break.)
So we had Quo-Vadis this weekend. It is a retreat where we in Phi Kap work on the house structure and work on our relationships with each other. We go around and talk about each other with no constraints. Where this is all going is thank you. To my brothers in Phi Kappa Theta, I was paid an unbelieveable honor with what you all said about me. I felt so honored to have all of you (even people who I have butted heads with on occasion and the last two presidents), pay me the highest honor that any Phi Kap could. Like I said, I hold to the statement that the best two things I have done in my life are to become an Eagle Scout and to join Phi Kappa Theta. Those to great things will stay with me until the grave.
As far as other areas of my life, people continue to drive me crazy, I need to figure something out very quickly or I will lose my sanity for good.
On the last life note it's pretty mellow I just need to keep plugging and get through this quarter and I think things will get better.
P.S. I love my new cowboy hat and I look like an amazing cowboy :-)
The Old Man posted this at 6:08 PM.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Music: Party Hard - Andrew W.K.
Mood: Apathetic
So what to say........ It's been a little while since I've updated, and little has happened since then. School is being a bitch this quarter, partly I'll admit because my whole heart is not in to it like it was with co-op. I also have work to contend with which is nice b/c it gives me money but it also gives me headaches and less sleep. OH WELL. I can't wait to move out of the house and into a nice apartment. I think it is going to be the best for me. As for the femaleish section of my life, some continue to piss me off without failure and some confuse me but thats how it always goes isn't it. O well i am off to watch movies and go to bed........ As always livestrong, lovestrong, and learnwell.
The Old Man posted this at 7:51 PM.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Music: DMB - Bartender
Mood: Workin'
And so begins a new quarter. It's hella weird being back in school after a quarter of nothing but working. I think, check that I KNOW that I'm going to bust ass this quarter. I am aware of what it takes to succeed and that I need to succeed in the classroom to make it in the professional world (which I might add I have grown very fond of!). It is nice to only have to work part time and go to school bc I can be irresponsible every now and again like going to Murphy's pub last night and getting WWWasted (.com :-P). I enjoy that bar more than any other bar I've been to. It is my Cheers. People know me by name and by face if not name. I don't get carded b/c they all know me, and the patrons (for the most part) are stellar.
But not to ramble on about the best bar in the world I'll end it there. The warm days are coming :-D. I am wearing shorts and loving it! These days need not leave again until next winter. Volleyball and cookouts and cards on the deck for all.
The Old Man posted this at 10:57 AM.